STRYKK Not Vodka 70cl


Our non-alcoholic vodka is distilled with the same flavour profile as the vodka you love - that means a subtle sweetness combined with the aromatic flavours of lemongrass and capsicum. Tailor-made for your alcohol-free vodka lime & soda, or in a less potent Pornstar Martini. Making a healthy alternative. Blended with a mix of botanicals and herbs, Strykk Not Vodka is 100% natural. Creating the flavour you love with no calories, no added sugar, and no artificial flavours. All The Spirit, None Of The Alcohol! Distilled and bottled in the UK.

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Our non-alcoholic vodka is distilled with the same flavour profile as the vodka you love - that means a subtle sweetness combined with the aromatic flavours of lemongrass and capsicum. Tailor-made for your alcohol-free vodka lime & soda, or in a less potent Pornstar Martini. Making a healthy alternative. Blended with a mix of botanicals and herbs, Strykk Not Vodka is 100% natural. Creating the flavour you love with no calories, no added sugar, and no artificial flavours. All The Spirit, None Of The Alcohol! Distilled and bottled in the UK.

Our non-alcoholic vodka is distilled with the same flavour profile as the vodka you love - that means a subtle sweetness combined with the aromatic flavours of lemongrass and capsicum. Tailor-made for your alcohol-free vodka lime & soda, or in a less potent Pornstar Martini. Making a healthy alternative. Blended with a mix of botanicals and herbs, Strykk Not Vodka is 100% natural. Creating the flavour you love with no calories, no added sugar, and no artificial flavours. All The Spirit, None Of The Alcohol! Distilled and bottled in the UK.

STRYKK Not Vanilla Vodka 70cl
STRYKK Not Gin 70cl
Fluère Raspberry Blend - Non Alcoholic Spirit 70cl
Fluère Botanical Blend - Non Alcoholic Spirit 70cl
STRYKK Not Rum 70cl