Villa Maria Vintage 2022

It's the Beginning of Vintage 2022

The first rays of morning light over the hills, the glimpse of busy hands amongst the vines and the rumble of tractors and harvesters hard at work - vintage 2022 has begun! After a year of meticulously tending to the grapes and vines, with all that nature has delivered along the way, harvest is the time we come together with collective passion to put in the gruelling work that begins the journey to create our cherished wines.

Starting in warm Northern regions such as Hawkes Bay, then followed by the cooler South Island with Marlborough, harvest begins with the picking of our white varieties to capture their fruitiness and crisp acidity. Our red varieties need to hang on the vines longer, soaking in every last bit of sunshine to soften and sweeten their intense flavours and ripen their tannins. Winemakers and viticulturists alike taste the grapes daily, ready at a moments notice to spring into action and pick them when the time is perfect. For select blocks destined for special wines, this may even mean picking in the dead of night when temperatures are cooler and flavours most potent.

Whilst this years’ vintage will come with its own unique set of triumphs and challenges, it’s looking to be a plentiful one with incredible grapes that have balanced natural acidity and intense flavours. We’re full of anticipation and excitement for vintage 2022 and bringing you the first of its bounty in a few months’ time with more of the wines you love.


McManis Family Vineyards


Maison Guigal